Company History
Restar Corporation
Months and Years | Matters |
April 2024 |
Carried out an absorption-type merger with subsidiaries Restar Electronics Corporation, Restar Communications Corporation, and Vitec Enesta Co., Ltd., and changed the trade name to Restar Corporation |
January 2024 |
Made TSUZUKI EMBEDDED SOLUTIONS CO., LTD. into a subsidiary through acquisition of shares, and changed the trade name to Restar Embedded Solutions Corporation |
January 2024 |
Changed the trade name of AIT Japan Inc. to Restar WPG Corporation |
August 2023 |
Relocated head office to 2-10-9, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo |
July 2023 |
Made AIT Japan Inc., a group company of WPG Holdings Limited, into a subsidiary via underwriting of capital increase by third-party allotment |
April 2022 |
Moved to the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market |
February 2022 |
Made Cardservice Inc. into a subsidiary through acquisition of shares |
June 2021 |
Made PALTEK Corporation into a subsidiary through acquisition of shares |
April 2020 |
Transitioned to the Innovative-Collective Management |
April 2019 |
Conducted a management integration of UKC Holdings Corporation and Vitec Holdings Co., LTD. (with UKC Holdings Corporation as the surviving company) and changed the trade name to Restar Holdings Corporation Relocated head office to 3-6-5, Higashi Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo |
Months and Years | Matters |
May 2018 |
Made LSI Techno Inc. into a subsidiary through acquisition of shares and changed the trade name to UKC System Engineering Corporation |
April 2015 |
Took over the rights and obligations in the semiconductor and electronic components business of UKC Electronics Corporation through an absorption-type split, UKC Electronics Corporation changed its trade name to UKC Technosolution Corporation |
August 2012 |
Change the trade name of UNI Device Corporation to UW TECNOLOGIES CO., LTD |
October 2011 |
USC Co., LTD. and Kyoshin Technosonic Co., Ltd. merged through an absorption-type split with Kyoshin Technsonic as the surviving company and changed the trade name to UKC Electronics Corporation |
October 2010 |
Made CU TECH CORPORATION and its subsidiary DONGGUAN CU TECH ELECTRONICS CORPORATION into subsidiaries through acquisition of shares |
October 2009 |
USC Corporation and Kyoshin Technosonic Co., Ltd. established a joint holding company UKC Holdings Corportation, a predecessor of Restar Holdings Corporation, through a share transfer (listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange) |
May 2009 |
USC Limited and Kyoshin Technosonic Co., Ltd. agreed on a management integration through the establishment of a joint holding company (share transfer) and concluded an integration agreement. |
Statements are excerpted from the Securities Report for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2019 of Restar Holdings Corporation.
Years | Matters |
2003 | Designated to the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market |
2002 | Listed on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange |
1989 | Registered OTC shares with the Japan Securities Dealers Association |
1986 | Merged with Uni Semiconductor Corporation and changed the company name to USC Corporation |
1984 | Established Uni Semiconductor Corporation |
1973 | Established Uni Device Corporation |
Months and Years | Matters |
January 2007 |
Established KYOSHIN COMMUNICATIONS (KOREA) CO., LTD. in Seoul (Republic of Korea) |
April 2005 |
Established KYOSHIN TECHNOSONIC (SHENZHEN) LTD. in Shenzhen (China) |
March 2005 |
Filing companies and consolidated subsidiaries Heiseido Co., Ltd. and Infinitech Co., Ltd. obtained ISO 9001 certification |
December 2004 |
Cancelled OTC registration of shares with the Japan Securities Dealers Association and listed shares on JASDAQ |
October 2004 |
Kyoshin Communications Co. Ltd. took over part of the business of the information and communications business company and all the operations of InterSolutions Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sony Marketing Inc. |
October 2004 |
Relocated head office from 2-28-5, Nishi Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo to 1-31-1 Nishi Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo |
August 2004 |
Established Niigata LSI Laboratory in Niigata, Niigata Prefecture |
August 2004 |
Established representative office in Santa Clara (United States) |
May 2005 |
Established Kyoshin Communications Co., Ltd. (trade name changed to Restar Communications Corporation in April 2020, and merged with Restar Corporation in April 2024) as a joint venture between Kyoshin Technosonic Co., Ltd. and Sony Marketing Inc. for sales of broadcasting equipment |
March 2004 |
Conducted absorption-type merger with KTS Technology Co., Ltd. |
September 2003 |
Filing companies and consolidated subsidiaries Heiseido Co., Ltd. and Infinitech Co., Ltd. and NetCam Vision Co., Ltd. obtained ISO 14001 certification |
June 2003 |
Relocated head office from 2-22-3 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo to 2-28-5 Nishi Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo |
July 2002 |
Established KTS Technology Co., Ltd. |
August 2001 |
Relocated head office from 1-9-8 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo to 2-22-3 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo |
November 2000 |
Established SHANGHAI KYOTEC ELECTRONIC TRADING CO., LTD. in Shanghai (China) |
September 2000 |
Established NetCam Vision Co., Ltd. |
July 2000 |
Transferred some of the operations of the Seoul Branch to KYOSHIN TECHNOSONIC (K) CO., LTD. |
April 2000 |
Established KYOSHIN TECHNOSONIC (K) Co., LTD. in Seoul (Republic of Korea) Merged with Technosonic Co., Ltd. and Sony Component Marketing Co., Ltd. and changed the trade name to Kyoshin Technosonic Co., Ltd. |
January 2000 |
Made Heiseido Co., Ltd. into a subsidiary |
September 1998 |
Relocated head office of Sony Component Marketing Corporation to 1-31-1, Nishi Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo |
August 1998 |
Established Infinitec Co., Ltd. |
December 1997 |
Registered OTC shares with the Japan Securities Dealers Association |
December 1996 |
Relocated head office of Technosonic Co., Ltd. to 45 Kanda-Higashi Matsushitacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo |
April 1993 |
Established KYOSEMI HONG KONG LTD. (currently KYOSHIN TECHNOSONIC (ASIA) LTD.) in Hong Kong as a sales office |
February 1990 |
Established KYOSEMI SINGAPORE PTE, LTD. (currently KYOSHIN TECHNOSONIC (S) PTE LTD) in Singapore as a sales office |
December 1989 |
Established Technosonic Co., Ltd. at 8-8-15, Nishi Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo as a distributor for Sony semiconductors |
November 1988 |
Concluded exclusive distributor agreement with Sony Corporation for sale of MO drives |
April 1987 |
Established Kemihan Co., Ltd. (trade name changed to Sony Component Marketing Corporation in October 1993) at 4-7-20, Higashi Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo for development and sale of electronic components |
January 1987 |
Concluded sole distributor agreement with Kyoshin Semiconductor Co., Ltd. for sale of semiconductors and other electronic components in South Korea |
October 1986 |
Established Seoul Branch in Seoul (Republic of Korea) |
June 1985 |
Relocated head office to 1-9-8 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo |
November 1983 |
Concluded exclusive distributor agreement with Sony Corporation for sale of CCD video camera modules |
February 1982 |
Concluded exclusive distributor agreement with Sony Corporation for sale of commercial-use AV magnetic tapes |
May 1980 |
Concluded exclusive distributor agreement with Sony Corporation for sale of broadcasting equipment |
November 1963 |
Concluded exclusive distributor agreement with Sony Corporation for sale of semiconductors |
April 1962 |
Concluded exclusive distributor agreement with Jonan Sony Sales Co., Ltd. (currently Sony Marketing Inc.) for sale of consumer AV products |
October 1961 |
Established Kyoshin Denki at 3-27-15, Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo with capital of 1 million yen and, at the same time, concluded exclusive distributor agreement with Sony Trading Corporation (currently Sony Marketing Inc.) for sale of special equipment products |
Statements are excerpted from the Securities Report for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2008 of Kyoshin Technosonic Co., Ltd.
Months and Years | Matters |
May 2017 |
Implemented disposal of treasury stock through third-party allotment for the purpose of a capital alliance with WPG Holdings Limited |
March 2017 |
Implemented disposal of treasury stock through third-party allotment for the purpose of a capital alliance with Ryonetsu Kogyou Co., Ltd. |
December 2016 |
Established ViMOS Technologies GmbH as a joint venture between Vitec Global Electronics Co., Ltd. of Germany, MOS Holdings Ltd., which operates FRAMOS GmbH, and WPG South Asia, a Group company of WPG Holdings in Taiwan |
September 2016 |
Established VISTEL LTD. in Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo as a joint venture between Vitec Global Electronics Co., Ltd. and Tokyo Electron Device LTD. |
April 2016 |
Completed and started operation of vegetable factory in Odate, Akita Prefecture Established VITEC KOREA CO., LTD. to expand sales to South Korea |
January 2016 |
Acquired additional shares of Teksel WPG Limited (currently VITEC WPG Limited) and made it into a subsidiary |
December 2015 |
Established Vitec Vegetable Factory Co., Ltd. in Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo |
October 2015 |
Transitioned to the holding company Vitec Holdings Co., LTD. and conducted absorption-type split associated with the transition, with the devices business transferred to Vitec Global Electronics Co., Ltd., the environmental energy business to Vitec Green Energy Co., Ltd., and the solar power generation business to Vitec Solar Energy Co., Ltd. |
June 2015 |
Transitioned to a company with an audit and supervisory committee |
May 2015 |
Established Vitec Global Electronics Co., Ltd. and Vitec Green Energy Co., Ltd. in Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo |
April 2015 |
Part of solar power generation business (13 power plants operating by September 2014) transferred to Vitec Solar Energy Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary (currently Vitec Enesta Co. Ltd.), through a company split |
February 2015 |
Established Vitec Solar Energy Co., Ltd. (currently Vitec Enesta Co. Ltd.) in Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo |
December 2014 |
Acquired shares of Teksel WPG Limited (currently VITEC WPG Limited) and made it into an equity-method affiliate Conducted an absorption-type split of the device business of Mitsui Bussan Electronics Ltd. |
October 2014 |
Conducted an absorption-type split of the electronic components and electronics businesses of PTT Co., Ltd., a consolidated subsidiary |
November 2013 |
Increased equity stake in Kokuho System Co., Ltd. and made it into an equity-method affiliate |
March 2013 |
V-Power Co., Ltd. obtained Power Producer and Supplier approval from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Commenced operation of the first Vitec mega-solar power plant in Kotake-machi, Kurate-gun, Fukuoka Prefecture |
November 2012 |
Listed on First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange |
May 2011 |
VITEC ELECTRONICS (H.K.) CO., LTD. (currently VITEC GLOBAL OPERATIONS CO., LTD.) acquired shares of U.S. INFONICS INC. (currently VITEC ELECTRONICS (AMERICAS) INC.) and made it into a subsidiary |
April 2011 |
VITEC ELECTRONICS (H.K.) CO., LTD. (currently VITEC GLOBAL OPERATIONS CO., LTD.) acquired shares of VITEC ELECTRONICS (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. and VITEC ELECTRONICS (TAIWAN) CO., LTD. and made both companies into subsidiaries |
March 2010 |
February 2010 |
Established Enevic Co., Ltd. (currently V-Power Co., Ltd.) in Numazu, Shizuoka Prefecture VITEC ELECTRONICS (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. conducted an absorption-type merger with INFONICS (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. Established VITEC ELECTRONICS (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD. in Shenzhen, China |
October 2009 |
Conducted an absorption-type merger with Infonics Co., Ltd. |
April 2009 |
VITEC ELECTRONICS (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. and VITEC ELECTRONICS (H.K.) CO., LTD. (currently VITEC GLOBAL OPERATIONS CO., LTD.) took over the business of the Singapore Branch and the Hong Kong Branch |
March 2009 |
Acquired a majority of the shares of Panasonic Techno Trading Co.,Ltd. (currently PTT Co., Ltd.) and made it a subsidiary |
July 2005 |
Established INFONICS INTERNATIONAL TRADING (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. in Shanghai, China to expand sales in China |
March 2005 |
Established U.S. INFONICS INC. in the United States to expand sales in North America |
October 2004 |
Established the Singapore Branch and the Hong Kong Branch and took over business from VITEC ELECTRONICS (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. and VITEC ELECTRONICS (H.K.) CO., LTD. (currently VITEC GLOBAL OPERATIONS CO., LTD.) |
March 2003 |
Obtained ISO 14001 certification at head office |
June 2002 |
Established VITEC ELECTRONICS TRADING (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. in Shanghai, China to enhance technical support as a treading company |
March 2002 |
Relocated head office to 3-6-5, Higashi Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo |
April 2001 |
Acquired a majority of the shares of LCR Japan Co., Ltd. (company name changed to Infonics Co., Ltd.) and made the company group into a subsidiary |
December 2000 |
Listed on Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange |
May 2000 |
October 1998 |
Closed the Product Management Center (Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo) in order to transfer logistics operations to K-Logistics Co., Ltd. (currently Arsnet Co., Ltd.) |
September 1998 |
Established VITEC ELECTRONICS (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD. wholly owned by VITEC ELECTRONICS (H.K.) CO., LTD. ( currently VITEC GLOBAL OPERATIONS CO., LTD.) in Shenzhen, China to enhance technical support as a trading company |
April 1998 |
Established K-Logistics Co., Ltd. (currently Arsnet Co., Ltd.) in Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo for logistics consulting |
December 1997 |
Established VITEC ELECTRONICS (TAIWAN) CO., LTD. in Taipei to sell electronic components in the Taiwan region |
April 1994 |
Relocated head office to 1-31-5, Higashi Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo |
October 1993 |
Registered OTC shares with the Japan Securities Dealers Association |
April 1990 |
Merged with the formal surviving company Vitec Co., Ltd. (located in Kawaguchi, Saitama Prefecture) to change the par value of shares |
December 1989 |
Established the Tokyo Logistics Center (later renamed the Product Management Center) in Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo to enhance the distribution system as a function of a trading company |
October 1989 |
Established the Taiwan Liaison Office in Taipei to sell electronic components in the Taiwan region |
March 1989 |
Acquired 88.5% of the shares of Smi Co., Ltd. (renamed Vitec System Engineering Inc. in April 1989) for microcomputer and ASIC development and circuit design in order to enhance technical support as a trading company |
January 1989 |
Established Hong Kong subsidiary VITEC ELECTRONICS (H.K.) CO., LTD. (currently VITEC GLOBAL OPERATIONS CO., LTD.) to sell electronic components in the Hong Kong and China regions |
December 1987 |
Established Singapore subsidiary VITEC ELECTRONICS (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. to sell electronic components in Southeast Asia |
April 1987 |
Concluded an exclusive distributor agreement for electronic components with Sony Corporation |
April 1987 |
Established Vitec Co., Ltd. at 1-8-20, Kita Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo with capital of 1.5 million yen for sales of electronic components |
Statements are excerpted from the Securities Report for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2018 of Vitec Holdings Co.,LTD.