From the perspective of sustainability (realization of a sustainable society), companies are increasingly required to address ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) related social issues in their activities.We must address materiality (priority issues for our company) in particular as well as the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations and CO2 emission reduction (decarbonization) as corporate initiatives related to climate change. These are considered risks and opportunities at the management level, and it is important to consider and implement measures to address these issues.We have established the following basic policy on sustainability and are promoting further specific activities, including identifying materialities related to social issues and setting key performance indicators.
With our mission of the management philosophy: “we help society evolve by leveraging information and technology to create and deliver new value and services,” we aim to be “the Electronics Value Platformer” that accommodates all manner of stakeholder needs. Our basic sustainability policy is to contribute to the sustainable development of society by engaging in businesses that solve various social issues through information and technology.
We help society evolve by leveraging information and technology
to create and deliver new value and services.
We aim to be “the Electronics Value Platformer”
that accommodates all manner of stakeholder needs.
Global (in view and scale) / Social Contribution / Collaboration and Innovation
Through collaboration, we reflect diverse points of view
as we create new cultures and values.
Through innovative ideas and passion,
we take on challenges and aim for higher targets.
By expanding our business arena to encompass the entire world,
we contribute to sustainable social evolution.
Restar Group has established a Sustainability Committee in collaboration with the Board of Directors and the Board of Corporate Officers to further accelerate its sustainability initiatives and strengthen monitoring.